Skilled Chiropractic Adjustment, sometimes referred to as Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment or simply an “Adjustment,” is the use of a controlled amount of force applied to a bone (or bones) and joint in order to restore proper biomechanical function to the joints.
In our office, we primarily utilize Diversified Technique which consists of the doctor applying the impulse or force by hand with a short-lever, high-velocity, low-amplitude or HVLA thrust, focused into the joint with aberrant function or mechanics. We also incorporate Drop Technique and Flexion-Distraction Therapy (a form of specifically focused spinal decompression) for those conditions which require different or additional types of intervention.
If you are experiencing any of these conditions, we encourage you to contact us today to see how our Skilled Chiropractic Adjustments can help you.
Book an AppointmentWe are very passionate about what we do and are very grateful to have the opportunity to help you.
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